The Historical Archives preserves and makes accessible in a central location the archival holdings of the European Union Institutions. In addition, the HAEU collects private papers of key European politicians, high-ranking EU officials and individuals involved in the process of European integration as well as the archives of pro-European movements and other organisations with a European scope. These fonds have been deposited in Florence on specific conditions agreed by the depositor and the Historical Archives and particular rules may apply to their perusal.
Collection materials – mostly copies of archival documents from private collections, foundations and National Archives and Diplomatic Archives of Ministries of Foreign Affairs – also supplement existing holdings.
The fonds of the Archives are assembled into four separate groups: EU institutions, Individuals, Corporate Bodies, and Collections.
Research guides on some of the more frequently consulted topics in our database, as well as a video tutorial on how to conduct simple and advanced searches, are available here.
Deposits - European Union institutions
The European Parliament
AC - Assemblée commune de la CECA
ACP - Organes parlementaires pour la coopération au développement
AH - Assemblée ad hoc
AO - Actes officiels
CPPE - Coupures de presse du Parlement européen
PE0 - Assemblée parlementaire européenne et Parlement européen avant l'élection directe
PE1 - Parlement européen - Première législature
PE2 - Parlement européen - Deuxième législature
PE3 - Parlement européen – Troisième législature
PE4 - Parlement européen – Quatrième législature
PE5 - Parlement européen – Cinquième législature
SG - Cabinets des secrétaires généraux
The Council of Ministers
CM1 - Special Council of Ministers of the ECSC
CM2 - Conseil des Communautés européennes (CEE, CEEA, CECA) telles que définies par le Traité de Rome (1958) et pour le Conseil CECA suite à la fusion des éxecutifs et des Conseils au 1.7.1967
CM2 - Council of Ministers of the EEC and EURATOM
CM3 - Intergovernmental Treaty Negotiations
CM5 - Accessions to the European Communities and to the European Union
CM6 - Negotiations in the framework of the Yaoundé Convention, the Lomé Convention and the Cotonou Agreement