Assembly of Western European Union

Documents from [1955] to [2010]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Extent and Medium

2918 dossiers

Physical Medium


Fonds Inventory
Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary


Administrative and Biographical History

Following the signature of the deposit contract on the 27th May 2011 between the Secretary General of the Assembly of the WEU, Colin Cameron, and the Director of the HAEU, Jean-Marie Palayret, the Assembly of the Western European Union (due to the cessation of its activities) transferred on the 24th June 2011 60 boxes of its historical records from Paris to the HAEU in Florence.

Content and Structure

System of Arrangement

The documents being structured in bound volumes at their arrival in Florence, it was necessary to give an item by item description of the Assembly documents. These documents are arranged by year and by document type.
The inventory was done at the HAEU in Florence by the archivist Mary Carr.

Conditions of Access and Use

Access Conditions

The fonds is open for consultation. The Assembly Proceedings relative to the years 1955-1999 have been digitised and full text is freely accessible online.


English, French

Type of Archival Materials


Physical Characteristics

Bound Volumes

Allied Materials

Associated Material

The National Archives of Luxemburg has put online their inventory of the Secretariat general / Council (SG/Council) of the Western European Union fonds. The inventory includes more than 3400 archival records dating from 1947 to 2009. The fonds is available for researchers on site in Luxemburg.
The National Archives of Luxemburg’s fonds inventory is linked to the fonds of the Assembly of the WEU deposited at the Historical Archives of the European Union in Florence, Italy. The HAEU’s inventory is also available online and the fonds can be consulted on site. It comprises of 2917 records in English and French.
In May 2011 the WEU officially agreed to transfer its SG/Council archival records to the National Archives of Luxemburg and the Assembly of the WEU records to the Historical Archives of the European Union. Since its missions had been taken over by NATO and the European Union, the WEU was closed on 30 June 2011.


Notes and Remarks

The digitisation of the Western European Union Assembly Proceedings was carried out by the Library of the European University Institute (EUI) in collaboration with the Historical Archives of the EU.

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