Historical Archives of the European Union

Contact Details

E-mail address
Opening Hours

Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 17.00

Access Informations

Access Informations

The consultation of certain private fonds or documents is subject to prior authorisation by the depositor. Specific access rules for these exceptions are outlined in the archival inventories concerned.


From Florence, take bus n° 25 (Pratolino) and get off at 'Il Cionfo 01' on Via Bolognese. The entrance of Villa Salviati is about 100 meters ahead.


Archive History

The HAEU was established following decisions by the European Coal and Steel Community and the European Council in 1983 to open their historical archives to the public.
A subsequent agreement in 1984 between the European Commission and the European University Institute (EUI) laid the groundwork for establishing the Archives in Florence, and the HAEU opened its doors to researchers and the public in 1986.
Since then, a 2011 Framework Partnership Agreement between the EUI and the European Commission reinforced the Historical Archives’ role in preserving and providing access to the archival holdings of the EU Institutions.

Archive Building

The HAEU moved into the historic Villa Salviati in 2012 following extensive renovations to the building.
Located in the Florentine hills along via Bolognese, the villa is the property of the Italian state and houses, along with the HAEU, the Department of Law, the Department of History and the Academy of European Law of the European University Institute.

Archives Act

Decision n°359/83 of the ECSC, and Regulation n°354/83 of the EEC and Euratom, amended on 22 September 2003 by Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) n°1700/2003

Administrative Structure

The Historical Archives of the European Union is part of the European University Institute.

Foundation Date


Villa Salviati