European Association of State Territorial Representatives

Documents from [2003] to [2023]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Bonini, Gherardo

Content and Structure


Following a Franco-Italian initiative of 1993, first European Days of Territorial Representatives held in Rome in 1994 did not lose their EU communitarian character, also because European Commission support and participation. The successful editions launched and called successive meetings, but just in 1996 the ambition to a more statutory organization emerged. In 2000, the representatives decided to transform their informal organisation in a more juridical based body, setting up Association européenne de représentants térritoriaux (AERTE). The yearly European Days remain the fundamental rendezvous in agenda, but since 2008 a autumn session, baptized as the Observatory, and on rotation topics, constituted a structural appointment, although not a yearly basis. Moreover, this body welcomes also other public servants and experts in the territorial administration of EU states

Conditions of Access and Use


English, French

Type of Archival Materials

Electronic File

Allied Materials

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