Workshop in Ostvoorne, 22-25 September 1992

Documents from [07/1995] to [1996]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
NW 37/2 (3)
Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Mathevon, Valerie; Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg

Content and Structure


Documents on the workshop on "Transitions in youth: comparisons over time and across countries", held in Oostvoorne, on 22-25 Sep 1995: programme and list of participants.
Working papers: "The persistence of class origin inequalities among school leavers in the Republic of Ireland, 1984-1993" by R. Breen; "Transitions in youth. Conceptualisation proposal and consequences on the comparative methodologies" by L. Oliveira; "Comparative analysis of young people’s transitions to work in Great Britain, Russia and Estonia" by L. Koklyagina; "Socio-economic aspects regarding youth integration in the Romanian labour market – a comparative approach in the European context" by C. Partenie and Victor Croitoru; "The provision of education and opportunities for future employment for pregnant schoolgirls and schoolgirl mothers" by N. Dawson; "Insertion professionnelle des jeunes et pratiques de renouvellement de la main d’œuvre par les firmes: perspective et questions méthodologique pour une comparaison France – Royame-Uni" by N. Moncel; "Comparative youth transition research: methods, meanings and research relations" by J. Bynner and L. Chisholm; "Insertion professionnelle, diplômes et marché du travail: pour un ‘étude européenne" by C. Beduwe, J.M. Espinasse, J. Planas, J. Vivas, M. Zaldivar; "Two certified societies? The regulation of entry into the labour market in East and West Germany" by D. Konietzka and H. Solga; "A comparative analysis of school to work transition patterns and processes in Ireland and Scotland, 1979-1991" by E. Smyth and P. Surridge; "A comparative analysis of academic and professional path of new university graduates in Catalonia: 1989, 1990 and 1992" by J. M. Masjuan, H. Troiano, J. Vivas and M. Zaldivar; "Public intervention and transition to work: a critical (cross-national) survey" by T. Lange; "Les moments de l’intervention publique sur le marché du travail des jeunes en Europe?" by A. Bouder, M. Mansuy and P. Werquin (Working paper and Technical annex); "Does family or education matter? Female labour force participation in France and Germany in 1971 and 1991" by H. Brauns, S. Steinmann, A. Kieffer and C. Marry; "Dropping out in Scandinavia and the USA: a comparative study of dropout patterns" by G. Oskarsdottir; "Some implications of the extension of educational participation for the labour market integration of young people in Norway and Scotland" by A. Furlong and T. Hammer; "Jeunes débutants et marché en France: évolutions et transformations Durant la dernière décennie" by F. Audier; "Llabour market entry and the transition from unqualified to qualified jobs in the Swedish young workforce 1950 – 1951" by S. Blomskog and L. Schröder; "Transformations des conditions d’entrée dans la vie active entre les jeunes sortis de terminale en 1980 et 1983" by J-M. Le Goff; "The labour market positions of types of education: dimensions and stability" by M. S. M. Van Smoorenburg and R. K. W. Van der Velden; "Changing patterns of transition from school to work in England and Wales" by B. Hedges and G. Courtenay; "Youth transitions in the UK in the 1980s and 1990s" by D. L. Bosworth and R. A. Wilson.

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English, French

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