Conference in Seelisberg, 16-19 September 1994
Documents from [06/1994] to [12/1994]Identity Statement
Mathevon, Valerie; Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
Documents on the conference on "Determinants of individual success in transitions to the labour market", held in Seelisberg, on 16-19 Sep 1994: program, list of participants, abstract of the meeting in Lucerna.
Workshop papers: "Diversité des parcours professionnels après l’école secondaire: rôle de la formation – disparités régionales" by Y. Grelet. Working papers: "Vocational education and the transition of men from school to work in Israel, Italy and Germany" by Y. Shavit, W. Müller, V. Kraus, T. Katz Gerro; "Vulnerability during school-to-work transitions in post-Communist Poland" by K. Roberts and Tan Ying; "Transitions in youth in cross-cultural perspective (with emphasis on school-to-work routes)" by W. R. Heinz; "Building a cross-national dataset on transitions in youth: an exploration using data from Ireland, Scotland and The Netherlands" by D. Hannan, J. Lamb, K. Pagrach, D. Raffe, H. Rutjes; "La structuration de l’insertion des jeunes par les pratiques de recrutement des entreprises" by J-F. Lochet; "Transitions des jeunes femmes dans l’emploi: forme d’activité et forme de la famille" by C. Marry, I. Fournier-Méarelli, A. Kieffer; "Les mesures d’aide à l’insertion des jeunes en France: nouveaux éléments pour l’évaluation" by P. Werquin; "School to work transition patterns – (West) Germany and the United States" by J. Schupp, C. F. Büchtemann and D. Soloff; "Consequences of unemployment in the transition from youth to adulthood in a life course perspective" by T. Hammer; "Les opérations de médiation école-entreprise, le cas de formations complémentaires d’initiative locale: une réponse aux besoins des entreprises locales" by B. Gendron; "The relations between educational system, recruiting policies of employers and youths’ vocational orientations" by L. Lappe and M-C. Zeller; "Opportunity structures and the occupational aspirations of young people in Scotland" by A. Furlong; "Opportunity and training effects on careers" by A. Sørensen; "Alternative routes from vocational education to the labour market. Labour market effects of fulltime vs dualized vocational education" by R. van der Velden, B. Lodder; "Basic skills and labour market entry" by J. Bynner; "Précarité d’emploi et itinéraires de transition à l’âge adulte" by F. Battagliola, E. Brown and M. Jaspard; "L’insertion professionnelle à l’épreuve de la ‘jeunesse’. Points de vue sur les recherches françaises" by M. Bordigoni, D. Demazière and M. Mansuy.
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