Documents from [07/1998] to [08/2003]Identity Statement
Mathevon, Valerie; Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
The file contains correspondence, first annoucement and call for papers, programme, list of participants, report, and in some cases also papers of the workshops of the programme such as "Impacts and the early earth (Cambridge, 13-15/12/1998),"Meteorite Impacts in Precambrian Shields" (Lappajärvi, Finland, 24-28/05/2000), "Catastrophic Events and Mass Extinctions: Impacts and Beyond" (Vienna, 9-12/07/2000), "Impact Makers in the Stratigraphic Record" (Granada, 15-19/05/2001),"Submarine craters and Ejecta-Crater Correlation" (Svalbard, 29/08-03/09/2001), "Impact Tectonics" (Mora, Sweden, May-June 2002), "Impacts:A geological and astronomical perspective" (Prague, 12-16/10/2002), "Biological Processes in Impact Craters" (Cambridge, 19-25/05/2003).
And also annoucement of some workshops co-sponzorised by the ESF IMPACT programme.
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