European Palaeoclimate Project (EPC): exploratory workshops 1993-1995
European Palaeoclimate Project (EPC): exploratory workshops 1993-1995
Documents from [02/1993] to [05/1995]
Identity Statement
Mathevon, Valerie; Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
The file contains circular letters, lists of participants and programme of the following workshops: "Solar Output and Climate during Holocene" (Bologna, 1-3/04/1993); "Problems of stable isotopes in tree-rings, lake sediments and peat-bogs as climatic for the Holocene"(Bern, 28-30/04/1993); the expert meeting "Synoptic situations in the Maunder Minimum"(Copenhagen, 25-28/05/1993); "Rapid Mass Movement and Climatic Variation during the Holocene"(Mainz, 21-23/10/1993) including the key questions for discussion; "Holocene Sea-Leval Changes (Rennes, 2-4/12/1993); the Second meeting of the North European Sub-Group on historical Climatology (Tallin, 29/09-01/10/1994); "Palaeohydrology as reflected in Lake-Level changes as Climatic Evidence for Holocene Times (Hörby, Sweden, 20-24/05/1994); "Quantification of land surfaces cleared from forest during the Holocen - modern pollen/vegetation/landscape relationships as an aid to the interpretation of fossil pollen data"(Blekinnge, Sweden, 10-13/06/1995).
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