Workshop on Biological Risk Factors for Psychosocial Disorders, 26-29 October 1989
Workshop on Biological Risk Factors for Psychosocial Disorders, 26-29 October 1989
Documents from 08 June 1988 to 19 January 1990
Identity Statement
Mathevon, Valerie; Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
Documents of the Workshop on "Biological Risk Factors for Psychosocial Disorders", held on 26-29 October 1989, in Como: programme, list of participants, correspondence on the organisation of the workshop, presentation of the workshop.
Papers presented at the workshop: "Reproductive hormones" by John Bancroft; "Toxins and allergens" by Eric Taylor; "Pre- and peri-natal risk factors for psychosocial development" by Paul Casaer and Linda Vries; "The long-term psychological sequelae of specific developmental disorders of speech and language" by Michael Rutter and Lynn Mawhood; "Metabolic and endocrine disorders: biological aspects of continuous or discontinuous psychological functioning during childhood and adolescence" by Peter Fuggle and Philip Graham; "Relation between maturation of neurotransmitter systems in the human brain and psychosocial disorders" by D. F. Swaab; "Developmental disorders and structural brain development" by Robert Goodman; "Chromosomal abnormalities" by M. E. Pembrey; " Genetic risk and psychosocial disorders: links between the normal and abnormal" by Robert Plomin; "Epilepsy and anticonvulsive drugs" by H. Ch. Steinhausen and C. Rauss-Mason; "Epilepsy and anticonvulsive drugs" by Giovanni Battista Cavazzuti and Antonio Nalin.
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