Tenth meeting of the Administrative Board
Documents from 02 July 1979 to 03 July 1979Identity Statement
Musa, Samir
Content and Structure
Item 1: Draft agenda of the ninth meeting of the Administrative Board. Item 2: Draft minutes of the eighth meeting of the Board, 7 March 1979. A list of participants is included. 15pp. Item 3: Sixth progress report of the Director on the activities of the European Foundation covering the period February 1979-June 1979. Report , dated 7 June 1979 was presented to the Administrative Board by Wiebe de Jong, Director. 7pp. Item 4: Annual Programme of Work for 1980 as presented by Wiebe de Jong, Director, 23 May 1979. 16pp. Item 5: First discussions on the four-year rolling programme, 1981-1984. No document. Item 6: Report of the Comite de Lecture. 3pp. Item 7: First discussions on role of Administrative Board. No document. Item 8: AB/9/8a-Ratification by the Board of the decisions taken by the Bureau since 4 May 1979. AB/9/8b-Decision by the Board requesting that the European Commission make changes in the staff regulations. Item 9: Election of Chairperson and three Deputy Chairpersons. No document. Item 10: Other: File of material relating to the organisation of the ninth Board meeting. Included is a telex from the Department of Labour, Dublin informing the Board that the Irish Government member is unable to attend and a sheet containing the signatures of those present at the meeting.
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English, French