Ninth meeting of the Administrative Board

Documents from 20 March 1979 to 21 March 1979

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Reference Archivists

Musa, Samir

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Item 1: Draft agenda of the eleventh meeting of the Administrative Board. Item 2: Draft minutes of the tenth meeting of the Administrative Board, 13 November 1979. Minutes include the headings 'Progress report of the Director for the period July to November 1979' (p.2), 'Discussion on the Foundation's Publication Policy' (p.4) and the 'Draft Programme of Work for 1980' (p.6). Minutes include a list of persons present at the tenth meeting of the Administrative Board. 14pp. Item 3: Eighth progress report by the Director on the activities of the European Foundation covering the period November 1979-March 1980. Report, dated 19 February 1980, details the activities of the Foundation under headings including 'Completion of research promotion activities under 1978 programme of work' (p.1), 'State of Implementation of research promotion activities under the 1979 programme of work' (p.3) and 'Dissemination activities' (p.7). Two annexes are attached including a 'List of recipients for first despatches of 1977 studies and evaluation results'. 13pp. Item 4: Fourth annual report on the activities of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions in which the activities, financial situation and future guidelines of the Foundation are detailed under headings including 'Staff Developments' (p. 3), 'Work Programmes for 1979 and 1980' (p.5), 'Implementation of work programme 1979' (p.7) and' Budgetary developments: Appropriations and Results' (p.14). A number of annexes have been included such as 'List of members of the Administrative Board' (annex 1), 'List of members of the Committee of Experts (Annex 2), and an 'Organisational Structure on the basis of staff table 1979. The Programmes of Work for 1979 and 1980 have also been included as annexes. 34pp. Item 5: Accounts for 1979 that includes a balance sheet at 31 December 1979. 28pp. Item 6: Draft budget for the 1981. Budget is preceded by a general introduction including an 'Outline of the policy justifying the request for the appropriations' (p.1) and an 'Explanation of the changes in appropriations between 1980 and 1981' (p.8). A number of annexes are attached including an Authorised Staff Table for 1979 (p.28) and an Organisational Structure based on the proposed Staff Table for 1981. (p.34). Included also are two corrections to be made to the draft budget and an addendum. 41pp. (See AB/12/2 for a revised draft budget for 1981, as requested by the Trade Union Group, and considered in conjunction with minutes of the 11th Administrative Board Meeting) Item 7: AB/11/7a-European Foundation analysis model for monitoring new forms of work organisation (revised version-January 1980). Analysis model, dated 16 January 1980, is divided into six parts including Context (p.1), The work force (p.2) and Transfer of Knowledge (p.3). 4pp. AB/11/7b-Reports from the three groups (Government, Workers and Employers) on the seminar on the Foundation's analysis model for monitoring new forms of work organisation. Seminar was held in Dublin on 13-14 September 1979. 20pp. Item 8: AB/11/8a-Revised proposals by the Director concerning the Second four-year rolling programme in which a list of themes has been compiled including Continuation of the first four-year rolling programme (p.2) and Themes form the first four-year rolling programme not yet adequately covered (p.3).
AB/11/8b-Opinion of the Committee of Experts on the second four-year rolling programme 1981-1984 as presented by the Director (Draft of January 1980) in which the Committee expresses a 'generally positive opinion on the Directors proposals'. (p.1). Item 9: Discussion on state of Foundation's staff regulations. No document. Item 10: AB/11/10a1-Signed decision amending the rules relating to the travel and accommodation costs of the Board members. AB/11/10a2-Signed decision amending the rules relating to the expenses of experts from outside the Foundation invited to meetings. AB/11/10b-Signed decision revising the daily rental of the Foundation's Conference centre. Ab/11/10c - Signed ratification of the decisions taken by the Bureau since the Board meeting of 13 November 1979. Ab/11/10d - Decision authorising the Director to 'put the work in hand and in due course to sign a contract for the conversion of the tractor garage into a secretariat for the conference centre'. 'This document was not submitted to the Board' is typed on teh top of the decision. (English copy only). AB/11/11a - Report from the Committee on Budgetary Control of the European Parliament, on the discharge to be granted tot he Administrative Board in respect of the implementation of its appropriations for the financial years 1976, 1977 and 1978. AB/11/11b - Report discussin the 'Pricing policy for the Foundation's publications'. Policy needs to be discussed 'now that the Foundation has commenced publication of its stidies together with the evaluation results'(p1). Other: File of material relating to the eleventh meeting of the Board. File includes invitations to the meeting and a list of Board members. English only.

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