Notes de C. Tickell, chef de cabinet du président Roy Jenkins
Notes de C. Tickell, chef de cabinet du président Roy Jenkins
Document date: [10/1979]
Identity Statement
Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg; Previti, Catherine
Content and Structure
- "Record of conversation between the President of the Commission and Dame J. Hart [UNICEF] on 11/10".
- "Record of conversation between the President Jenkins and Wang Renzhong, Vice-Premier of the People's Republic of China on 11/10".
- "Community budget": résumé des discussions au sein du gouvernement allemand communiqué par M. von der Gablentz, haut-fonctionnaire au 'Bundeskanzleramt'.
- "Channel tunnel: meeting with British Rail and Société National Chemins Fer on 15/10".
- "Call by the Soviet Counsellor, Mr. Kouznetsov on 15/10".
- "Call of the Ambassador of Malta, Mr. Farrugia, on the President's Chef de Cabinet and the President" (2 notes).
- "Call on the President by the Ambassador of Argentina, Mr. Baldinelli on 15/10".
- "Record of meeting between the President of the Commission and the Irish Prime Minister, Mr. Lynch, on 19/10": rapport des Trois sages, Parlement européen, rencontre de M. Lynch avec H. Schmidt (convergence et politique énergétique des Etats-Unis, préparation du Conseil européen à Dublin: contribution britannique au budget des Communautés, ressources propres et équilibre géographique du personnel de la Commission).
- "Informal meeting of Ministers of the Nine and the President of the Commission on 20/10 at Ashford Castle, CO Mayo": préparation du Conseil à Dublin, rapport des Trois sages, Zimbawe/Rhodésie, Cambodge, association des nations de l'Asie du Sud-Est (ASEAN), désarmement (CSCE) et Lomé.
- "President's lunch for P. Werner, Prime Minister of Luxembourg on 10/10": siège des institutions, SME et invitation du Grand-Duc du Luxembourg à la Commission.
- "Call on the President of a Delegation of Arab Ambassadors on 18/10" et annexe.
- "Call of the President of the Commission on the Egyptian acting Foreign Minister, Boutros-Ghali on 26/10".
- "Call by the President of the European Commission on the President of Egypt, A. al-Sadat on 27/10".
- "Record of conversation between the President of the Commission and the speaker of the people's Assembly of Egypt on 27/10".
- "President Jenkin's meeting with Egyptian Cabinet Ministres on 27/10".
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