Notes de C. Tickell, chef de cabinet du président Roy Jenkins
Notes de C. Tickell, chef de cabinet du président Roy Jenkins
Documents from [03/1979] to [05/1979]
Identity Statement
Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg; Previti, Catherine
Content and Structure
- "Visit to the Commission of the President of Guinea Bissau, L. Cabral on 16/03".
- "Visit to the Commission of the Ambassador of Israël, I. Minerbi on 19/03".
- "Visit to the Commission of Mr. Takeshi Yasukawa, Special Representative for External Economic Affairs of Japan, on 16/03".
- "Representations by the Heads of Arab Missions accredited to the European Communities on 27/03" (2 notes).
- "Visit to the Commission of Senator Valenzi, Mayor of Naples, on 27/03".
- "Meeting between President Jenkins and Max Kohnstamm on 09/04": dépôt des Archives historiques des CE à Florence et financement de l'Institut universitaire européen.
- Petit déjeuner de C. Tickell avec T. Farmer, conseiller du président des Etats-Unis, J. Carter, le 07/10 à Washington (énergie, SALT II, MTN, relations Israël/Egypte).
- Visite d'une délégation du Partie républicain italien au président le 09/10.
- 'Speaking note' utilisée par M. Owen au cours de la réunion des ministres des Affaires étrangères et des Finances [date?]:contributions budgétaires britanniques.
- "Meeting between the President of the Commission and the President of the Portuguese Commission for European Integration on 05/04".
- "Visit of President Ziaur Rahman of Bangladesh on 27/04".
- "Visit to the Commission of Mr. Rolandis, Foreign Minister of Cyprus on 03/05".
- "Note of conversation between the President of the Commission and the French Foreign Minister, J. François-Poncet on 08/05":élargissement, juridiction de la Cour de justice, Euratom, non-prolifération et Euratom/Australie.
- "Informal meeting of the President of the Commission and the Nine Ministers of Foreign Affairs under French presidency at Mercues from 12-13/05 annex A: "General and Miscellaneous", annex B: "Turkey", annex C: "Enlargement", annex D: "Middle East", annex E: "Africa", annex F: "East West relations and South East Africa", annex G:"Relations with Parliament, annex H: "Relations with the Court of Justice", annex I: "Commission staff needs and the Budget", annex J:"1990, convergence and the Tokyo Summit", annex K: "Three Wise Men".
- "Record of Call by the President of the Commission on the Danish Prime Minister on 14/05": relations CE/Suède, Grande-Bretagne, élection du Parlement européen au suffrage universel au Danemark, énergie, PAC, questions budgétaires/Grande-Bretagne et élargissement.
- "Record of conversation between the President of the Commission and the British Prime Minister, M. Thatcher on 21/05": participation britannique au SME.
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