Notes de C. Tickell, chef de cabinet du président Roy Jenkins

Documents from [04/1978] to [06/1978]

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Reference Archivists

Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg; Previti, Catherine

Content and Structure


- "Note of a conversation with the Science Advicer to the US President, Mr. Press on 13/04": personnalité de J. Carter, variations climatiques, 'Glomar explorer', traitement des déchets nucléaires, défense et OTAN.
- "Record of meeting between Mr. Lüders, Mayor of West Berlin, Representatives of the Senat of Berlin and the President of the Commission 14/04".
- "Record of meeting between Mr. Stobbe, Governing Mayor of West Berlin and the President of the Commission on 13/04".
- "Visit of Mr. Kruijtbosch, Secretary General fo the Benelux Economic Union 20/04".
- "Visit of the President, T. Braun and Vice-President, Mr. Lee, of the Association of Cooperation Savings and Credit Institutions on 20/04".
- "Record of meeting between the President of the Commission and the Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs on 25/04".
- "Record of meeting between the President of the Commission and the Spanish President of the Government, M. Suarez on 27/04".
- "Main points of discussion with Mr. Carillo, President of Spanish Communist party on 27/04".
- "Note of meeting between the President of the Commission and the Spanish Minister for Relation with the EEC, L. Calvo Sotelo 27/04":situation économique espagnole, état des négociations élargissement, période de transition.
- "Renegociation of the 1970 agreement and greek attitude towards the enlargement"
- "Note of meeting between the President of the Commission and the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Oreja, on 28/04": attitude européenne, relations CE/Espagne, affiliation de l'Espagne à l'OTAN, relations pays ACP/CE).
- "Visit of Mr. Caillat, Ambassador of Switzerland 12/05".
- "Private Meeting of Foreign Ministers and the President of the Commission at Hesselet on 20/05": élargissement, Turquie, Yougoslavie, Australie, Lomé II, droits de l'homme, dissidents (cas du Prof. Orlov et Zaïre).
- Entretien privé entre le secrétaire privé de M. Owen, ministre des Affaires étrangères britannique, et C. Tickell le 20/05 sur le mandat de la Commission, notamment dans les négociations concernant les textiles portugais et le prix du grain.
- "European Monetary System": dîner avec H. Schulmann, conseiller économique du chancelier H. Schmidt, le 22/05 et en annexe note de la présidence de la Commission "Towards a European Monetary System".
- "Visit of the Ambassador of Yugoslavia, Bora Jevtic 05/06" et lettre du Premier ministre M. Djuranevic au président.
- "Record of conversation between the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Desai, and the President of the Commission 05/06".
- "Visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Austria to the Commission 08/06".

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