Notes de C. Tickell, chef de cabinet du président Roy Jenkins

Documents from [09/1977] to [11/1977]

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HAEU Reference Code
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Reference Archivists

Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg; Previti, Catherine

Content and Structure


- "Summitry: Community representation".
- "President's African Journey": projet de programme.
- "Call of M. Soares, Portugese Prime Minister, on the President of the Commission 03/10": visite de Roy Jenkins à Lisbonne, élargissement, économie portugaise et relations Portugal/Afrique.
- "Call of the Ambassador of Israël, Mr. Ben-Horin, on the President of the Commission 04/10".
- "Aftermath Downing Street Summit 07-08/05": Réunion des représentants personnels des chefs de gouvernement et d'Etat prévue le 30/09 à Washington: déroulement des travaux, liste des participants, projet du rapport des représentant, perspectives de l'économie globale, balance des paiements, échanges commerciaux, énergie et dialogue Nord-Sud (2 notes).
- "Mr. Fukuda's visit to Brussels": préparation.
- "Visit of the Foreign Minister of Botswana on 24/10".
- "Meeting of the President R. Jenkins with the Prime Minister G. Andreotti 28/10 in Rome": Conseil européen à Rome, fonds régional, agriculture méditerranéenne, élection du Parlement européen au suffrage universel et rapport Tindemans.
- "Call of Mr. Burenstam Linder, Swedish Minister of Commerce on 08/11".
- "Conversation between the President of the European Commission and the Portuguese Prime Minister M. Soares in Lisbon on 11/11".
- "Record of meeting between the President of the European Commission and the President of the Portuguese Republic M. Eanes on 11/11".
- "Calls by portuguese Political Leaders on President Jenkins on 11/11".
- "Meeting with the President of the Assembly of the Republic and Members of the Foreign Relations Committee, M. Vasco da Gama Fernandes on 11/11".
- "Meeting between the President and Delegations of the Confederation of Industrialists of Portugal and the Portuguese Section of the International Chambers of Commerce".
- "Call of the Ambassador of China, Mr. Huan Hsiang on the President on 14/11".
- "Conversation between the King of Spain and the President of the Commission on 17/11".

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