COM(1977)404 - Proposal for a Directive on the protection of participants in home study courses (submitted to the Council by the Commission)

Document date: [1977]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
Extent and Medium

1 volume(s) papier

Reference Archivists

Brouet, Agnes

Content and Structure


Volume 1977/0133
Date indicative : 29/07/1977
Proposal for a Directive on the protection of participants in home study courses (submitted to the Council by the Commission) (ENG)
Forschlag einer Richtlinie betreffend den Schutz der Teilnehmer am Fernunterricht (von der Kommissionen dem Rat vorgelegt) (DEU)
Voorstel voor een Richtlijn inzake de bescherning van deelnemers aan onderwijs op afstand (door de Commissie bij de Raad ingediend) (NLD)
Proposta di directtiva relativa alla protezione dei participauti all'insegnamento a distanza (presentata dalla Commissione al Consiglio) (ITA)
Forslag til direktiv om beskyttelse af deltagere i fjernundervisning (forelagt Radet af Kommissionen) (DAN)

Conditions of Access and Use


Danish, Dutch, English, German, Italian

Type of Archival Materials

Electronic File, Textual

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