COM(1973)465 - COMMISSION DECISION of 21 March 1973 discontinuing the first partial invitation to tender for the denaturing premium for white sugar issued by the new Member States pursuant to Regulation (EEC) No 622/73
COM(1973)465 - COMMISSION DECISION of 21 March 1973 discontinuing the first partial invitation to tender for the denaturing premium for white sugar issued by the new Member States pursuant to Regulation (EEC) No 622/73
Document date: [1973]
Identity Statement
1 volume(s) papier
Brouet, Agnes
Content and Structure
Volume 1973/0080
Date indicative : 21/03/1973
COMMISSION DECISION of 21 March 1973 discontinuing the first partial invitation to tender for the denaturing premium for white sugar issued by the new Member States pursuant to Regulation (EEC) No 622/73 (ENG)
ENTSCHEIDUNG DER KOMMISSION vom 21. März 1973 der ersten von den neuen MitgliedStaaten auf Grund der Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 622/73 durchgeführten Teilausschreibung für die Denaturierungsprämie für Weisszucker keine Folge zu geben (DEU)
BESCHIKKING VAN DE COMMISSIE van 21 maart 1973 om geen gevolg te geven aan de eerste openbare deelinschrijving voor de denatureringspremie van witte suiker door de nieuwe Lid-Staten gehouden krachtens Verordening (EEG) nr. 622/73 (NLD)
DECISIONE DELLA COMMISSIONE del 21 marzo 1973 di non dare seguito alla prima gara parziale per il premio di denaturazione dello zucchero bianco effettuata dai nuovi Stati membri ai sensi del regolamento (CEE) n. 622/73 (ITA)
KOMMISSIONENS BESLUTNING af 21. marts 1973 om ikke at gennemfore den første dellicitation for denatureringspræmien for hvidt sukker foretaget af de nye medlemsstater i henhold til forordning (EØF) nr. 622/73 (DAN)
Conditions of Access and Use
Danish, Dutch, English, German, Italian