Interview with: Rosio Galdo De Cruz (pseudonym choosen by the interviewee Rocio), César Salcedo Guzmán (pseudonym choosen by the interviewee Cari), Marlena Lévano-Åkerstróm (pseudonym choosen by the interviewee Marlene Perú), Belia Alfaro, Juany Garma Quispe, Susy Pezo Salas (pseudonym choosen by the interviewee Susy), Jazmín Crona (pseudonym choosen by the interviewee Jazmín), Fiorellla Figueroa Hinostroza (the witness wants to remain anonymous), Kory marianne Palacio Botero (pseudonym choosen by the interviewee Kory), Joel Figueroa, Pamela
Interview with: Rosio Galdo De Cruz (pseudonym choosen by the interviewee Rocio), César Salcedo Guzmán (pseudonym choosen by the interviewee Cari), Marlena Lévano-Åkerstróm (pseudonym choosen by the interviewee Marlene Perú), Belia Alfaro, Juany Garma Quispe, Susy Pezo Salas (pseudonym choosen by the interviewee Susy), Jazmín Crona (pseudonym choosen by the interviewee Jazmín), Fiorellla Figueroa Hinostroza (the witness wants to remain anonymous), Kory marianne Palacio Botero (pseudonym choosen by the interviewee Kory), Joel Figueroa, Pamela
Document date: 03 August 2016
Identity Statement
11 drawings, 9 videos, 5 photographs.
Hernández Nova, Leslie Nancy; Musa, Samir
Content and Structure
Location of the interview: Sweden - Stockholm - Gymnasium/dance studio in Stockholm's city belt.
Provenance of the intervieew: Peru, Colombia - Lima, Huaraz-Ancash, Villa El Salvador (Lima), Pucalpa, Comas (Lima), Stockholm, Cartagena (Colombia).
Name of the interviewer: Hernández Nova, Leslie Nancy
The interview was conducted after a short seminar on the transmission of traditional Peruvian dances in a European context with a focus on Turin and Barcelona as examples as they have been studied by Leslie Hernández Nova. In the context of the Cultural Association "Danzas folklóricas Nuevo Perú". The production of the witness correspondes as following: 11 drawings on an A4 sheet, 9 videos, 5 photos.
Conditions of Access and Use
Allied Materials
Waiting for Joel and Pamela Figueroa's confirmation regarding clearance. See also the interview with Joel Figueroa's uncle, Oliver López (BABE-100). Clearance form is missing.