SEC(1986)728 - 115 éme réunion bimensuelle "aides" du vendredi 2 mai 1986 NOTE A L'ATTENTION DE MM. LES CHEFS DE CABINET Objet : Procedural course to be followed in respect of the DG VII report on aids granted by the United Kingdom and Italy for ports restructuring
SEC(1986)728 - 115 éme réunion bimensuelle "aides" du vendredi 2 mai 1986 NOTE A L'ATTENTION DE MM. LES CHEFS DE CABINET Objet : Procedural course to be followed in respect of the DG VII report on aids granted by the United Kingdom and Italy for ports restructuring
Document date: [1986]
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Brouet, Agnes
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Volume 1986/0033
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Date indicative : 29/04/1986
115 éme réunion bimensuelle "aides" du vendredi 2 mai 1986 NOTE A L'ATTENTION DE MM. LES CHEFS DE CABINET Objet : Procedural course to be followed in respect of the DG VII report on aids granted by the United Kingdom and Italy for ports restructuring. (FRA)
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