
Documents from [1990] to [02/1995]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Bonini, Gherardo

Content and Structure


"Towards a European central bank: fiscal compatibility and monetary constitution", conference on "Aspects of central bank policy making" organised by the Bank of Israel and the David Horowitz Institute, held in Tel Aviv in January 1990
"Sugli aiuti statali alle imprese industriali", Hearing for the industry commission of the Senate in "Banca d’Italia Economic Bulletin", n. 14, February 1990
Unpublished speech delivered at the eleventh annual meeting of the association of banking supervisory authorities of Latin America and the Caribbean held in Mexico City on 15 August 1994
With Fabrizio Saccomanni, "Managing a market-led global financial system, in Peter Kenen (ed.) "Managing the world economy: fifty years after Bretton Woods", Proceedings of a conference organised by the Institute for International Economics, held in Washington DC, 1994, "Bank internazionalization: problems for banking supervision"
Opening remarks and address to the conference at the occasion of 8th International conference of banking supervisors held in Vienna on 12-14 October 1994
"Global Banking Italia", introductory intervention at the first session of Global Banking Italia held in Rimini on 14 November 1994
Unpublished speech delivered at the 4th meeting of the "Comunità Finanziaria Internazionale" organized by the "Associazione fra le Banche estere in Italia" held in Milan on 14 December 1994
"I mercati finanziari" in "Enciclopedia delle Scienze Sociali, Roma, 1994, vol. 4
"The influence of Bretton Woods on European monetary integration" in "Banca d’Italia Economic Bulletin", n. 20, February 1995 (also Italian and French version)

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English, French, Italian

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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