Speeches and writings
Documents from [1985] to [07/1990]Identity Statement
Bonini, Gherardo
Content and Structure
"Il significato di autonomia nell’esperienza delle banche centrali" held in Venice in February 1986 "Sistema bancario e sistema dei pagamenti",conference held in Rome, 18 March 1986
Intervention presented at the Conference on "La riforma del credito agrario", Rome, 18 June 1986
Speech "Questions about Creating a European Capital Market", delivered at the Conference on "Completing the Internal Market" in Fiesole on 27 June 1986
Intervention "Il sistema dei pagamenti: diagnosi e linee di azione", at the Conference on "L’Evoluzione del sistema dei pagamenti" held in Perugia on 20/21 November 1986
Intervention "L’intégration communautaire dans le domaine des services bancaires" in the proceedings of the Conference held on 12 December 1986 (also in English and Italian)
Unpublished contribution on "What Can We Expect from the ECU?" presented at panel discussion "The ECU and the International Monetary System" held in Leuven, 12/--13 June 1987
"Stratégies internationals et integration européenne" introductory Remarks to the Annual Meeting of the Association française de Science économique held in Paris, 21 September 1987
"L’ordinamento creditizio e l’attività assicurativa", working note published in "Banca d’Italia Economic Bulletin", n. 9, October 1987
Unpublished speech held at the Giornata Bocconiana on the following Topic: "Di fronte al futuro: gli studi, la laurea. La professione", Milan, 17 October 1987
"Towards a European Banking Regulatory Framework". speech given at a conference on "New equilibria between financial intermediaires, savings and firms", Milan, 23 October 1987
With Fiorella Padoa-Schioppa, introduction to Franco Modigliani’s book "Reddito, interesse, inflazione. Scritti scientifici", 1987
Introduction to the book "Il sistema dei cambi oggi", 1987
Issue of "La Presidenza italiana della CEE 1990" with contribution by TPS with Luigi Spaventa "L'unificazione monetaria"
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English, French, Italian