
Documents from [07/1983] to [1996]

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HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Bonini, Gherardo

Content and Structure


Discussion on "Determinants of monetary policy in France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom: a comparative study" by Donald R. Hodgman and Florian Resch in "The political economy of monetary policy: national and international aspects", proceedings of a conference held at Perugia in July 1983
With Fiorella Padoa Schioppa, "Limiti o crisi della politica economica? In "I limiti della politica economica", in proceedings of the 24th Scientific conference of economists Italian society held in Rome on 10 and 11 November 1983
"Il gruppo bancario nell’ordinamento creditizio", speech delivered at the International conference on "I gruppi di società", organised by "Rivista delle Società", Cini Foundation, Venice, 18 November 1995
"The lira in the foreign exchange market", address to the 5th meeting of the international financial community organised by the association of foreign banks in Italy, Milan, 1 February 1996
"Derivative products: questions of public interest" in "Banca d’Italia Economic Bulletin", n. 22, February 1996
"Il credito cooperativo in Italia: realtà e problemi, speech delivered at the conference on "Sviluppo economico e intermediazione finanziaria. Piccole imprese, banche locali, credito cooperativo" organised by Istituto di ricerca sul credito cooperativo e l’economia locale (IRCEL), Rome, 22 February 1996

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English, Italian

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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