
Documents from [1982] to [1996]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Bonini, Gherardo

Content and Structure


"International monetary arrangements" answers to a questionnaire prepared by the Treasury and Civil Service Committee of the House of Commons discussed in a hearing by the Committee in October 1982
"Rules and institutions in the government of multi-country economies" held in Brussels on April 1983, "What the EMS has achieved" in "The Banker", n. 1323, August 1983
"The European Monetary System, House of Lords, Session 83-84/5th report, Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, July 1983
With Francesco Papadia, "Competing currencies and monetary stability", CEPS Working Documents, n. 2 (Economic), June 1983
"The ECU: exploring the map", ECU Newsletter, Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, n. 4, February 1983
"European Capital markets between liberalization and restrictions" in "Money, Economic Policy and Europe", Brussels 1985
"La trasformazione dell’ordinamento bancario in Italia e in Europa: reciproche influenze" introduction to Giuseppe Godano’s "La legislazione comunitaria in materia bancaria", 1996
"Sistema dei pagamenti. Sviluppi recenti e banche centrali" in Mario Talamona (ed.) "Economia e politica economica. Tendenze e prospettive, 1996
"Market-friendly regulation of banks: an international perspective, speech held at the twenty-seventh conference dell’Aussschuß für Geldtheorie and Geldpolitik im Verein für Sozialpolitik held in Frankfurt on 24 February 1996
"L’Europa di domani: una nuova dimensione istituzionale, synthesis of the speech delivered at the international conference on "L’Italia in Europa" organised by Associazione di cultura e politica "Il Mulino" and the European Commission, held in Bologna on 15 March 1996
Unpublished speech delivered at the conference on "Da SIM a Eurosim: nuovi assetti per mercati e intermediary" organised by Consiglio di Borsa and Istituto per la Ricerca sociale held in Milan on 29 March 1996
Address to the conference on the occasion of the ninth international conference of banking supervisors held Stockholm on 12-14 June 1996
Introductory remarks at the international conference on "Unione monetaria europea: il lavoro di preparazione delle banche tedesche e italiane" held in Frankfurt on 20 June 1996
"Retail payments: recent developments and central banks", speech delivered at the 5th Japan Credit Bureau International conference held in Rome on 5 September 1996
Closing address at "SIBOS 96-entering a new era" organised by the Society for worldwide interbank financial telecommunication (SWIFT) held in Florence on 10 October 1996
"Inter-agency cooperation in financial supervision", speech delivered at the third annual conference of the international Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) held in Paris on 14 October 1996
Unpublished speech on "Capital Adequacy" delivered at a conference on "Strategies for financial sector reform in Latin America" sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Group of Thirty held in New York on 25-26 November 1996
"La piazza finanziaria italiana: la sfida della privatizzazione", contribution to the conference on "La trasformazione del sistema finanziario italiano a seguito della nuova normativa comunitaria" organised by Banksiel-Newfin and held in Milan on 29 November 1996

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English, German, Italian

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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