Documents from [1984] to [1985]Identity Statement
Bonini, Gherardo
Content and Structure
Unpublished contribution to the round table on "Economic policy implications of the correction of inflation-induced distortions on incomes and savings" held at University of Bergamo on 28 January 1984
Introductory remarks to the round table organized by the Italian section of "Centro Europeo dell’Impresa Pubblica" held in Rome on 7 March 1984
"Policy cooperation and the EMS experience", in Willem H. Buiter and Richard C. Marston, "International economic policy coordination", Proceedings of the conference on international economic policy coordination held in London on 28/29 June 1984
Contribution to the round table on "Efficienza e pluralità di dimensioni nelle Casse di Risparmio e nelle Banche del Monte" held in Spoleto on 30 June and 1 July 1984
"Ecu-Yen", speech delivered at a conference organized by IMI and Montedison in Rome on 29 January 1985
"Lessons from the European monetary system", Lecture at the European University Institute, European Forum, Florence, 20 February 1985 in "Banca d’Italia Economic Bulletin" (February 1986)
"Squaring the circle or the conundrum of international monetary reform" in "Catalyst", a Journal of Policy Debate, London, (volume 1, issue 1, Spring 1985)
With Francesco Papadia "Qualitative policy and monetary control: the Italian experience", speech delivered at the Italian conference in the honour of Franco Modigliani organized by MIT and IRI in Martha’s Vineyard, 19/21 September 1985
Comments by TPS on McKinnon’s "The case for internazionalizing American monetary policy"
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English, Italian