Documents from [1985] to [1997]Identity Statement
Bonini, Gherardo
Content and Structure
Unpublished intervention at the seminar on "Politica creditizia e comportamento degli intermediari nell’attuale fase congiunturale" organised by the "Associazione per lo sviluppo degli studi di Banca e Borsa" held in Perugia from 28 February to 2 March 1985
"La rilevanza dei servizi di pagamento nell’attività bancaria" published in "L’impresa Banca" (1989)
With Franco Passacantando, "Il sistema dei pagamenti" in Franco Cotula (editor), "La politica monetaria in Italia" (Il Mulino, Bologna)
"Recent developments and perspectives in monetary and financial integration in the community" by European League for Economic Cooperation, Kronberg (November 1989)
Address as acting chairman of the EC banking advisory committee in "Banking supervision in Europe. Developments over the last decades and new challenges"
Lively discussion and debate at the conference commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the banking advisory committee organised by EC Commission, Brussels, 17 November 1989
"International payment systems: the function begets the organ", speech delivered at the international symposium on banking and payment services organised on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the federal reserve system held in Washington on 9 June 1989
Unpublished speech at the international conference on "Il liberalismo nel XXI Secolo" organised by Fondazione Amici di Liberal (Naples, 6 June 1997)
Unpublished speech at corporate governance forum 1997 organised by Coopers & Lybrand in Rome on 12 June 1997
Foreword to the "Dizionario multilingue dell’economia della banca e della finanza" edited by Francesco Cesari, ISEDI, Torino, 1997
Foreword to the volume by Roberto Mori "Essere Moneta", Edizioni dell’Elefante, Roma, 1997
Remarks at the Governor’s dinner held at Basel on 7 April 1997, "Italy in 1997: the economy in perspective" in "Banca d’Italia Economic Bulletin" (February 1997)
Speech held at the 6th meeting of the international financial community organised by the Associazione fra le banche estere in Italia (Milan, 6 February 1997)
"Evolving supervisory standards in advanced market economies", speech at the seminar "Banking soundness and monetary policy in a world of global capital markets" (IMF Washington, 28 January 1997)
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English, Italian