SEC(1980)1165 - Ag. 569/3 Item 14 a SHEEPMEAT, BALANCE SHEET-BEEF (Background brief handed over to Mr. Gundelach by Mr. Antony, Deputy Prime Minister in connection with their meeting in Canberra, 15 July 1980)
SEC(1980)1165 - Ag. 569/3 Item 14 a SHEEPMEAT, BALANCE SHEET-BEEF (Background brief handed over to Mr. Gundelach by Mr. Antony, Deputy Prime Minister in connection with their meeting in Canberra, 15 July 1980)
Document date: [1980]
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Brouet, Agnes
Content and Structure
Volume 1980/0064
Le(s) titre(s) et date(s) du(des) document(s) proposé(s) sont basés sur les plus pertinents du dossier.
Date indicative : 23/07/1980
Ag. 569/3 Item 14 a SHEEPMEAT, BALANCE SHEET-BEEF (Background brief handed over to Mr. Gundelach by Mr. Antony, Deputy Prime Minister in connection with their meeting in Canberra, 15 July 1980). (ENG)
Volume 1980/9003
Le(s) titre(s) et date(s) du(des) document(s) proposé(s) sont basés sur les plus pertinents du dossier.
Date indicative : 23/07/1980
Ag. 569/3 Item 14 a SHEEPMEAT, BALANCE SHEET -BEEF (Background brief handed over to Mr. Gundelach by Mr. Antony, Deputy Prime Minister in connection with their meeting in Canberra, 15 July 1980). (ENG)
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