COM(1974)684 - REGULATION (EEC) No 1244/74 OF THE COMMISSION of 16 May 1974 fixing the reference prices for peaches for the 1974 marketing year
COM(1974)684 - REGULATION (EEC) No 1244/74 OF THE COMMISSION of 16 May 1974 fixing the reference prices for peaches for the 1974 marketing year
Document date: [1974]
Allied Materials
Identity Statement
HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
Extent and Medium
1 volume(s) papier
Reference Archivists
Brouet, Agnes
Content and Structure
Volume 1974/0107
Date indicative : 16/05/1974
REGULATION (EEC) No 1244/74 OF THE COMMISSION of 16 May 1974 fixing the reference prices for peaches for the 1974 marketing year (ENG)
VERORDNUNG (EWG) Nr. 1244/74 DER KOMMISSION vom 16. Mai 1974 zur Festsetzung der Referenzpreise für Pfirsiche im Wirtschaftsjahr 1974 (DEU)
VERORDENING (EEG) Nr. 1244/74 VAN DE COMMISSIE van 16 mei 1974 tot vaststelling van de referentieprijzen voor perziken voor het verkoopseizoen 1974 (NLD)
REGOLAMENTO (CEE) N. 1244/74 DELLA COMMISSIONE del 16 maggio 1974 che fissa per la campagna 1974 i prezzi di riferimento delle pesche (ITA)
Conditions of Access and Use
Access Conditions
Dutch, English, German, Italian
Type of Archival Materials
Electronic File, Textual
Allied Materials
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Existence of Copies