SEC(1984)1681 - OJ 755/3 - Item 7 a) Requests for loans by the Italian telecommunication company ITALTEL, by the Italian telecommunication administration SIP and by a subsidiary of the US telecommunication company GTE in Italy GTET. (Note issued on instructions from Mr DAVIGNON - cf. doc. SEC(84) 1565, item 7.a)i))
SEC(1984)1681 - OJ 755/3 - Item 7 a) Requests for loans by the Italian telecommunication company ITALTEL, by the Italian telecommunication administration SIP and by a subsidiary of the US telecommunication company GTE in Italy GTET. (Note issued on instructions from Mr DAVIGNON - cf. doc. SEC(84) 1565, item 7.a)i))
Document date: [1984]
Identity Statement
Brouet, Agnes
Content and Structure
Volume 1984/0060
Le(s) titre(s) et date(s) du(des) document(s) proposé(s) sont basés sur les plus pertinents du dossier.
Date indicative : 23/10/1984
OJ 755/3 - Item 7 a) Requests for loans by the Italian telecommunication company ITALTEL, by the Italian telecommunication administration SIP and by a subsidiary of the US telecommunication company GTE in Italy GTET. (Note issued on instructions from Mr DAVIGNON - cf. doc. SEC(84) 1565, item 7.a)i)) (ENG)
Volume 1984/9009
Le(s) titre(s) et date(s) du(des) document(s) proposé(s) sont basés sur les plus pertinents du dossier.
Date indicative : 23/10/1984
OJ 755/3 - Item 7 a) Requests for loans by the Italian telecommunication company ITALTEL, by the Italian telecommunication administration SIP and by a subsidiary of the US telecommunication company GTE in Italy GTET. (Note issued on instructions from Mr DAVIGNON - cf. doc. SEC(84) 1565, item 7.a)i) ) (ENG)
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