Executive Committee Minutes for 1952

Document date: 07 February 1952

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Physical Medium


Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary

Content and Structure


Transmission to MSA of Iron and Steel Committee Reports on:-a)Austrian project, IS(52)003, -b)German project, IS(52)004
revision of Coal allocation procedure, report of Coal Supply and distribution sub committee, C(52)012
recent developments in the International Consideration of the surplus population problem in Europe and the development of migration, report by Secretary General, C(52)002
technical regulation hampering the development of trade, proposals by the Machinery Committee for the adoption of a method of work in the light electrical equipment sector, and draft Council recommendation, C(52)019
freedom of circulation of tourist publicity material published by the official national tourist organisations of Member countries, draft Council decision, C(52)021
position of Portugal in EPU, report by Managing Board, C(52)024
extension of date limit in paragraph 4 of C(51)380, -a)letter from Danish delegation, C(52)023, -b)letter from Swedish delegation, C(52)032, -c)letter from Netherlands delegation, C(52)033
adjustment of Sweden's accounting position in the European Payments: -a)letter from Swedish delegation, C(52)028, -b)report by Managing Board, C(52)027
resignation of Mr. Bissel

Allied Materials

Location of Originals
Existence of Copies
Historical Archives of the European Union

We have digital copies only of selected OEEC documents

Publication Notes

C(52)012;C(52)002;C(52)019;C(52)021;C(52)024;C(51)380;C(52)023;C(52 ) 032;C(52)033;C(52)028;C(52)027

Relations Area

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