Committee for Invisible Transactions

Documents from [1955] to [1961]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Extent and Medium

6 microfilms, 1 file

Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary


Administrative and Biographical History

The Committee for Invisible Transactions was on the the 3 restricted committees of the OEEC and was established in 1955 by Council decision. It had seven members selected for their knowledge of questions relating to invisible transactions and exchange control. The members were elected annually by the Council on the nomination of member countries. They sat as independent experts and not as national representatives. The Committee was the competent body for all questions relating to invisible transactions and capital movements in the light of the OEEC objective of liberalisation of transactions and transfers in these two fields. The rule adopted by member countries in this respect were set out in the Code of Liberalisation of Trade and the Code of Liberalisation of Capital Transfers. The Committee was responsible for studying all questions relating to the interpretation and application of these decisions and any amendments necessary to achieve the aims of the OEEC, which had decided to endeavor to extend on a world-wide basis the liberalisation of current invisible transactions and the measures of liberalisation adopted in the matter of capital movements.
The Committee undertook studies in 3 fields where liberalisation raised special difficulties: internal transport, insurance and films and worked with various committees and organisations to realise their objectives for liberalisation. Regarding capital movements, the Committee was concerned with investigating ways and means by which the Governments of member countries could increase the protection afforded to investments and rights of private property of residents or nationals of other member countries.

Content and Structure


The material concerning the Committee for Invisible Transactions mainly concerns the liberalisation of capital movements and invisible transactions, protection of foreign investments, liberalisation of films, insurance and road transport with information on country reservations, policies and implementation of the provisions of the code of liberalisation of current invisible operations.

System of Arrangement

The documents on the microfilm are numbered according to their position on the microfilm eg. 1001
4 = the fourth document on microfilm 1004. Check 'other number' field to ensure that this is correct

Allied Materials

Location of Originals
Existence of Copies
Historical Archives of the European Union

We have digital copies only of selected OEEC documents


Notes and Remarks

The Committee for Invisible Transactions was coded as OEEC/INV, OEEC/TIR and OEEC/TIC. However for ease of description the acronoymn TIC has been used in this inventory to describe the Committee for I