
Documents from [1948] to [1961]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Extent and Medium

110 files and 45 microfilms

Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary


Administrative and Biographical History

The Council was established by Article 15 of the Convention for European Economic Co-operation. It consists of all the Members of the Organisation, that is to say the Contracting Parties to the Convention for European Economic Co-operation of 16th April 1948, to which any non-signatory European country could acede with the approval of the Council. By virtue of a Council resolution dated 23rd June 1950, the Governments of Canada and the US were invited to associate themselves with the work of the Organisation. Observers from the IMF, the IBRD, the GATT , the FAO, the ILO, the Council of Europe, the High Authority of the ECSC, the Commission of the European Economic Community and Euratom may attend certain meetings of the Council. The Council meets either at Ministerial level, or at the level of Permanent Representatives.The Government of each Member country is represented in the Organisation by a National Delegation.;The Council is the body from which all decisions derive. It is therefore the supreme body of the Organisation, in which the views of Member Governements are expressed. It gives directives to all organs of the Organisation.;The Council may set up technical committees or other bodies as may be required for performing the functions of the Organisation and may delegate its power of decision to other organs of the Organisation. The Council from time to time set up Working Parties, usually of a temporary character, for the preliminary study of given questions and for the purpose of preparing decisions to be taken. The member were designated by Council.;An official Document of the OEEC dated 16 May 1960, numbered N.1597 under the title "Structure and activities of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation" describe the various bodies and branches of the Organisation. A copy of this document, which is included in the file OEEC 250, can be found, as a reference book for the consultation of OECD archives, in the inventories room in the HAEC.

Content and Structure


Council minutes and working papers form the basis of the OEEC documents held in the Historical Archives.

Allied Materials

Location of Originals
Existence of Copies
Historical Archives of the European Union

We have digital copies only of selected OEEC documents