Executive committee

Documents from [1948] to [1961]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Extent and Medium

73 files and 14 microfilms

Reference Archivists

Carr, Mary


Administrative and Biographical History

The Executive Committee was established by Article 15 of the Convention on Economic Co-operation. It assisted the Council in its work, and every question submitted to the Council was first considered by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee consisted of seven members, designated by the Council each year. The representatives of the Governments of Canada and the US attended meetings of the Executive Committee as Associated countries. Any member of the Organisation which was not represented on the Executive Committee could take part in any discussion or decision of this Commiteee which especially affected the interests of such Member country.
It has no power of decision except where expressly delegated by the Council. The Council has entrusted certain duties to the Executive Committee, particularly the examination of the programmes of work of the technical committees which these committes submit to it.
The Executive Committee was responsible for co-ordinating the activities of certain of the organs of the OEEC in particular, it was responsible for co-ordinating the work of the Ministerial Committee for Agriculture and Food and the Committee of Deputies with that of the other bodies of the OEEC.
The Executive Committee had the power to set up temporary working parties necessary for the discharge of its duties.

Allied Materials

Location of Originals
Existence of Copies
Historical Archives of the European Union

We have digital copies only of selected OEEC documents


Notes and Remarks

An official Document of the OEEC dated 16 May 1960, numbered N.1597 under the title "Structure and activities of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation" describe the various bodies and br