8. Council session : Neuilly on 30/06/1976
Documents from 25 June 1976 to 20 July 1976Identity Statement
Microfiche, Paper
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes, n.3 Resolutions, plus corrigendum.
Relevant subjects : Financial matters (draft revision of the Financial Rules, report by the Chairman of the AFC on the proposals by German and Italian delagations relating to the Resolution on 1976 budgets, proposal concerning a possible cover of the shortfalls in the 1976 ESRANGE and CSG/Kourou budgets, request to unblock the reserve for price variations for the construction costs of the new Headquarters building, financing the new Headquarters building, new scale of contributions to the 1977 general and Scientific Programme budgets)
Personnel matters (pension scheme rules, request for membership of the coordination system by the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts)
Legal matters (draft Agreement between Germany and ESA on social security, signature of the Protocol introducing amendments to the AEROSAT Arrangement, report on the activities of IRAG, draft Exchange of Letters between Iran and ESA on the exchange of information)
New procedure for defining the procurement policy of ESA
Draft Resolutions implementing the statement by the Director General on relations between ESA and national institutions
F easibility study concerning the launch of INTELSAT-5 by an ARIANE launcher
Recommendation s by the 1. SPACELAB Payload (FSLP) Working Group
Definition of the role of EUROSPACE.
As Annex n.2 : statement by the Swedish delegation on the 1977 level of resources.
As Annex n.3 : statement by the French delegation on the role of France in the space field.
Attached : Resolution on the application of article n.14 of the INTELSAT Agreement proposed by IRAG. Resolution on the Chairmanship of the delegate bodies of ESA. Resolution on the financial limits and supporting contract information for the IPC to be incorporated in the new procedure for defining ESA procurement policy
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French