28. Council session : Paris from 12/12 to 13/12/1978
28. Council session : Paris from 12/12 to 13/12/1978
Documents from 14 November 1978 to 30 September 1979
Identity Statement
Microfiche, Paper
Bonini, Gherardo; Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, summary minutes, n.8 Resolutions, n.3 Declarations and, as addenda, amendments requested by German and Italian delegations. Relevant subjects: Financial matters (IMF Working Group, draft Resolution on the level of resources and the budgets for the mandatory activities for 1978, funding requirements for the period 1978/1980 and provisional funding requirements for the period 1981/1983, proposals for funding the cost of launching EXOSAT by ARIANE outside the Scientific Programme, scale of contributions to the 1979 mandatory budgets, draft Resolution on the approval of the 1. SPACELAB Payload (FSLP) budget for 1979, draft Resolution on the 1979 budgets for the mandatory activities)
Cost reduction options for FSLP
ARIANE Follow-On Development (FOD) programme and initial step of SPACELAB Development programme
European Remote Sensing programme
Approval of the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) processing element, legal framework and draft 1979 budget of the Earthnet Programme
SIRIO-2 programme
Ground facilities for supporting ECS orbital operations
Launching of INTELSAT-5 by ARIANE
Continued support for the ECS Programme(Phase-3bis)
Immediate action for the continuation of the H-SAT programme
Medium-term investment plan
Legal matters (draft Arrangements with Interim EUTELSAT on ECS and on the operational use of MAROTS, draft rules concerning the provision of ARIANE launchers and launches, draft Memorandum of Understanding with NASA on the International Solar Polar Mission (ISPM), draft Agreement with France on social security, declaration of acceptance of the Convention on registration of space objects, request from the European Patent Office (EPO) for access to IRS). As Annex n.2 :Italian proposal for an amended draft Resolution on the implementation of the IMF recommendations. As Annex n.3 : brief for presentation to Council by the Chairman of SPAG. As Annex n.4 :statement by the German delegation on SPACELAB programme. Attached :Resolution concerning the adoption of the Implementing Rules for Earthnet Programme
Resolution on a preparatory European Remote Sensing Satellite Programme
Resolution on the 1979 Earthnet budget
Resolution on the price of ARIANE launches for Phase-3bis of the Communication Satellite Programme (ECS-2, ECS-3 and ECS-4 satellites)
Resolution concerning Phase-3bis of the Communication Satellite Programme
n.2 Resolutions on the application in 1978 and 1979 of the provisional-twelfths procedure to the budgets for mandatory activities
Resolution concerning the SIRIO-2 programme
Declaration by the participants in the SIRIO-2 programme, with a description of the programme and its financial provisions as annexes
De claration concerning the financing of ARIANE launches for Phase-3bis of the Communication Satellite Programme
Additional Declaration by participants in EarthnetProgramme, with a description of the approved elements of the programme (Programme Office at ESRIN, Fucino, Kiruna, Oakhanger/Farnborough, Lannion and Maspalomas stations, SEASAT-1 SAR processing element) and its financial provisions as annexes
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French, German
Allied Materials
Minutes refer to Part I and Part II of the meeting