30. Council session : Paris from 03/04 to 04/04/1979
30. Council session : Paris from 03/04 to 04/04/1979
Documents from 19 March 1979 to 25 June 1979
Identity Statement
Microfiche, Paper
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes, n.4 Resolutions, n.1 Declaration and, as addenda, amendments requested by Italian and German delegations. Relevant subjects :Financial matters (report by the Chairman of Council on the contacts with delegations on the implementation of the IMF recommendations, draft Resolution concerning the level of resources for the period 1978/1980, draft Resolution on the 1979 mandatory budgets, draft Resolution on the report by the Audit Commission on the 1977 accounts, liquidation of the balance of ELDO funds)
Medium-term programming and funding levels
continued support for the ECS mission
ESA involvement in the jont venture concerning MARECS
Production of additional ARIANE launchers
SPC Resolution concerning recommendations on the development of Space Science in the 1980s (SAC report)
Margin of manoeuvre for the Scientific Budget
Earth-oriented research programme
Scale of contributions for the SIRIO-2 programme
Personnel matters (maternity leaves)
Legal matters (draft Implementing Rules for a preparatory European Remote Sensing Satellite Programme, request for access to IRS by Canadian institutions). As Annex n.2 :Declaration by the Italian delegation on Financial Rules. Attached : Resolution on the report by the Audit Commission on 1977 accounts
Resolution on the liquidation of the balance of ELDO funds
Resolution on the application in 1979 of article n.17 of the Financial Rules (provisional-twelfths procedure) to the budgets of the mandatory activities
Resolution on the start of manufacture of additional ARIANE launchers
Declarat ion relating to Phase-3bis of the Communication Satellite Prigramme, with a description of its financial envelope, contract authority and scale of contributions as annex
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French, German
Allied Materials
Minutes refer to Part I and Part II of the meeting