23rd Council session: Paris from 28/02 to 01/03/1978 (1.part), from 06/04 to 07/04/1978 (2nd part)
23rd Council session: Paris from 28/02 to 01/03/1978 (1.part), from 06/04 to 07/04/1978 (2nd part)
Documents from 20 February 1978 to 11 May 1978
Identity Statement
Microfiche, Paper
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes of the n.2 parts of the session, n.5 Resolutions, n.2 Declarations and, as addenda, amendments requested by French, Belgian and Irish delegations, by the Canadian observer and by the Chairman of the JCB. Relevant subjects (1. part) : Communication Satellites Programme (extension of the MAROTS programme, ASTP programme)
Institutional framework for the ARIANE Production Phase
FIREWHEEL experiment on ARIANE L-02 flight
Use of SIRIO platform for a meteorological mission and a geodesic mission
Financial matters: draft Resolution on the 1978 budgets
Resignation of the Director of ESTEC. As Annex n.2 :statement by the German delegation on Communication Satellites Programme, ARIANE, SPACELAB and on inflation and conversion rates. Attached : Declaration by the participants on the extension of MAROTS programme, with a description of the extension phase and financial provisions as annexes
Declaration by the participants in the studies devoted to a programme for the development of a heavy platform and payload
Resolution on the application in 1978 of the provisional-twelfth procedure in the case of the mandatory activities budgets and the EartnetT and SPACELAB Utilisation Programme (SLUP) budgets. Relevant subjects (2. part) :Communication Satellites Programme (Report by the Chairman of JCB, participation by Austria in the H-SAT study, draft Declaration concerning ASTP)
Report by the Chairman of the ARIANE Programme Board and proposal by the Director General concerning the ARIANE Promotion Series
complementary information on the use of SIRIO platform for a meteorological mission and a godesic mission
Financial matters (draft Resolution on the adjustment of contributions due to variations in conversion rates, draft Resolution on the level of resources for the period 1978/1980 and the provisional level of resources for the period 1981/1983, draft Resolution on the level of expenditure for the financial year 1978/1980, draft Resolutions on the 1978 budgets and 1976 accounts)
Interim report on the elaboration of plans for the future of the telemetry and tracking station network
Legal matters (experimental project for high-speed data transmission by satellite, Agreement on social security between ESA and Germany). Attached :Resolution on the Report by the Audit Commission on the 1976 accounts
Resolution on the adjustment of contributions due to variations in conversion rates
Resolution concerning interim measures for the funding of ARIANE launchers for user programmes already adopted
Resolution on the studies devoted to a programme for the development of a heavy platform and payload
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French, German
Allied Materials
Minutes refer to Part I and Part II of the meeting