4. Council session : Neuilly from 19/11 to 20/11/1975
4. Council session : Neuilly from 19/11 to 20/11/1975
Documents from 20 November 1975 to 26 November 1975
Identity Statement
Microfiche, Paper
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes, n.3 Resolutions and, as addendum, amendments requested by the French delegation.
Relevant subjects : Financial matters (draft Resolution on the 1974 accounts, report on the bilateral negotiations concerning the 1976 budgets, draft 1976 budgets, ESA internal expenditure in respect of CSG/Kourou, monetary conditions applicable to the calculation of contributions for the CSG, comparison of cost-to-completion estimates with the financial envelopes of programmes, proposal by France for special contribution for the Headquarters location)
Draft Exchange of Letters (2. version) between the Commission of European Communities and ESA relating to the Space Documentation Service (SDS)
Draft terms of reference of the IPC
SPACELAB Utilisation (roles of the 1. SPACELAB Payload Working Group (FSLP-WG) and the Programme Board respectively, preliminary discussion on the location of SPACELAB Payloads Integration and Coordination in Europe (SPICE), draft Agreement between Germany and ESA in respect of SPACELAB payloads)
European programme for the Remote Sensing of Earth resources from space
Legal matters (approval of the final text of the Protocol introducing amendments to the AEROSAT Arrangement, loan of a radiometer to Iran, Exchange of Letters with ITU, appointment of members of the Appeals Board, extension of the METEOSAT Protocol)
Recommendations by the EUROSAT Working Group to the IPC
Joint offer from CNES and DFVLR for the placing in geostationary orbit of ESA satellites, with special reference to GEOS satellite.
As Annex n.2 : presentation by Chairman of the Remote Sensing ad-hoc Group (RSAHG) to Council.
Attached :n.2 Resolutions on the Report by the Audit Commission on the 1974 ESRO accounts. Resolution on the terms of reference of the Industrial Policy Committee (IPC)
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French