12. Council session : Paris from 22/11 to 23/11/1976
12. Council session : Paris from 22/11 to 23/11/1976
Documents from 18 November 1976 to 07 December 1976
Identity Statement
Microfiche, Paper
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes, n.1 Resolution and, as addendum, amendments requested by the Spanish delegation.
Relevant subjects : Financial matters (request by the Director General to unblock the reserves for price variations in the 1976 Scientific, METEOSAT, MAROTS, SPACELAB, ARIANE and ESRANGE budgets, 1977 level of resources and revised draft budgets, draft Resolution on the 1975 accounts, Resolution on the 1976 budgets, level of resources for the period 1978/1980)
Personnel matters (pension scheme)
Council Meeting at Ministerial level
Earth Resources Programme
Present situation with regard to selection of the principal passenger for the ARIANE Passenger Experiment (APEX) L-03 test flight
Approval of the inclusion of the vestibular SLED and metric camera in the 1. SPACELAB payload
Guidelines for a legal instrument for ARIANE Production Phase
Report by the Chairman of the Science Programme Committee (SPC)
Future planning for the use of SPACELAB
Legal matters (extension of the ESRANGE Agreement, draft Cooperation Agreement with Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
Acquisition of a building opposite the Headquarters
Situation with respect to the ratification of theConvention.
Attached :Resolution on the report of the Audit Commission on the 1975 accounts. Resolution on the introduction of a pension scheme
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French