13. Council session : Paris from 16/12 to 17/12/1976
13. Council session : Paris from 16/12 to 17/12/1976
Documents from 14 December 1976 to 08 February 1977
Identity Statement
Microfiche, Paper
Bonini, Gherardo; Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes (1. and revised text), n.3 Resolutions and, as addenda, amendments requested by UK and Netherlands delegations.
Relevant subjects (1. text) : Financial matters (request by the Director General to unblock parts of the reserve for salary increases in the 1976 budgets, revised draft Resolution correcting the negative effects of inflation and variations in exchange rates, level of resources for 1977 and draft 1977 budget Resolution, application in 1977 of the provisional-twelfths procedure for the general, scientific and ARIANE budgets, draft ESRANGE budget, level of resources for the period 1978/1980, Mario Nikis annex)
Selection of the principal passenger for the ARIANE Passenger Experiment (APEX) L-03 flight
Earth Resources programme
Launch of EXOSAT by ARIANE
ARIANE Production Phase
Legal matters (extension of the ESRANGE Agreement, draft Resolutions for the Council at Ministerial level, situation regarding the ESRIN buildings used by the Italian National Research Council (CNR)).
As Annex n.2 : report by the Chairman of RESPAG to Council.
Attached : Resolution concerning the application in certain 1977 budgets of the provisional-twelfths procedure. Resolution concerning the integration into the European Network for the reception, preprocessing, distribution and archiving of Earth Resources Satellite Data (Earthnet of the Fucino data reception and system preprocessing facilities, and use of the Frascati RECON network to disseminate catalogue data. Resolution on the financing of Earthent activities.
In the revised text of the summary minutes amendments concern the following subjects : Mario Nikis annex
Selection of the principal passenger for the APEX L-03 flight
Earth Resources programme
Launch of EXOSAT by ARIANE.
Amended is also the Resolution on the financing of Earthnet activities
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French