35. Council session : Paris from 10/10 to 11/10/1979
35. Council session : Paris from 10/10 to 11/10/1979
Documents from 26 September 1979 to 11 December 1979
Identity Statement
Microfiche, Paper
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes, n.5 Resolutions and, as addenda, amendments requested by Netherlands, Italian and Swedish delegations, plus corrigendum. Relevant subjects : Financial matters (problems concerning the IMF recommendations and the Italian return, draft Resolution on the level of resources for the period 1978/1980, approval of the 1979 draft mandatory budgets, 1980 draft ESRANGE budget, ESA participation in the CSG costs for the period 1981/1983)
Extension of the Scientific Satellite operations
Oral report by the Chairman of the PB-SL
Supply of a 2. SPACELAB to NASA
Analysis of the consequecences of the absence of a decision to undertake the SPACELAB Follow-On Development (FOD) programme
Draft Implementing Rules for the L-SAT definition phase
Institutional framework for the SPINE project
Advisory structure for the Communication Satellite programme
Earth-oriented research programme
S- band ground stations
Legal matters (revised list of ad-referendum votes). As Annex n.2 : Oral report by the Chairman of the PB-SL. Attached :Resolution on the funding of the mandatory activities for 1979
Resolution concerning the extension of the COS-B Exploitation programme
Resolutio n concerning the supply to NASA of a 2. SPACELAB
Resolution concerning the SPINE project
Resolution concerning the Earth-oriented research programme
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French, German
Allied Materials
Minutes refer to Part I and Part II of the meeting