6. Council session : Neuilly on 26/02/1976

Documents from 12 February 1976 to 12 April 1976

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
Extent and Medium


Physical Medium

Microfiche, Paper

Reference Archivists

Casar, Andreja

Content and Structure


Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes, n.2 Resolutions and, as addendum, amendments requested by the Netherlands delegation, plus corrigendum.
Relevant subjects :SPACELAB payloads (justification for setting SPICE at Porz-Wahn, draft Agreements between Germany and ESA and between ESA and DFVLR concerning the conduct of the SPACELAB payload project)
Use of CNES and DFVLR facilities in support of the OTS and MAROTS operations
Statement by the Director General on the Resolution ESA/C/V/RES.1
Draft Resolution on the 1976 ESRANGE Special Project budget
Monetary conditions applicable to the calculation of contributions for the CSG/Kourou
International liability for damage
Proposal by the Director General concerning a TD station in India
Authentication of the Danish texts of the ESA Convention.
As Annex n.2 : Swedish statement concerning ESRANGE budget.
Attached :Resolution on the 1976 ESRANGE Special Project budget. Resolution on the authentication of the Danish text of the ESA Convention

Conditions of Access and Use


English, French, German

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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