Proposition de la Commission du 29.01.1982 concernant la fixation du prix de certains produits agricoles et certaines mesures connexes 1982/1983
Proposition de la Commission du 29.01.1982 concernant la fixation du prix de certains produits agricoles et certaines mesures connexes 1982/1983
Documents from 26 February 1982 to 11 October 1982
Identity Statement
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
Suite des travaux du Conseil
ST_5094_1982_REV1; ST_5142_1982_REV1; ST_5171_1982_REV1; ST_5184_1982_INIT; ST_5223_1982_INIT; ST_5316_1982_INIT; ST_5316_1982_REV1; ST_5323_1982_INIT; ST_5323_1982_REV1; ST_5331_1982_INIT; ST_5331_1982_REV1; ST_5331_1982_REV1 COR1; ST_5332_1982_INIT; ST_5332_1982_REV1; ST_5335_1982_INIT; ST_5336_1982_INIT; ST_5336_1982_REV1; ST_5339_1982_INIT; ST_5339_1982_REV1; ST_5349_1982_INIT; ST_5349_1982_REV1; ST_5360_1982_INIT; ST_5360_1982_REV1; ST_5362_1982_INIT; ST_5366_1982_INIT; ST_5367_1982_INIT; ST_5367_1982_REV1; ST_5422_1982_INIT; ST_5436_1982_INIT; ST_5479_1982_INIT; ST_5483_1982_INIT; ST_5494_1982_INIT; ST_5523_1982_INIT; ST_5595_1982_INIT; ST_5606_1982_INIT; ST_5607_1982_INIT; ST_5607_1982_REV1; ST_5676_1982_INIT; ST_6141_1982_INIT; ST_6142_1982_INIT; ST_6146_1982_INIT
Conditions of Access and Use
Allied Materials
Cette proposition de la Commission - COM(82)10 final - a donné lieu aux règlements 794/82, 1051/82, 1154/82, 1183/82, 1184/82, 1185/82, 1186/82, 1187/82, 1188/82, 1189/82, 1190/82, 1191/82, 1192/82, 1193/82, 1194/82, 1195/82, 1196/82, 1197/82, 1198/82, 1199/82, 1200/82, 1201/82, 1202/82, 1203/82, 1204/82, 1205/82, 1206/82, 1207/82, 1410/82, 1411/82, 1412/82, 1413/82, 1414/82, 1415/82, 1416/82, 1417/82, 1418/82, 1419/82, 1420/82, 1421/82, 1422/82, 1423/82, 1424/82, 1425/82, 1426/82, 1427/82, 1428/82, 1429/82, 1430/82, 1431/82, 1432/82, 1433/82, 1434/82, 1451/82, 1452/82, 1453/82, 1454/82, 1455/82, 1456/82, 1457/82, 1458/82, 1459/82, 1460/82, 1461/82, 1462/82, 3437/82