Studies and essays on the European Monetary System (EMS)
Studies and essays on the European Monetary System (EMS)
Documents from [1979] to [1982]
Identity Statement
Bonini, Gherardo
Content and Structure
"The European Monetary System in the Broader Setting of the Community’s Economic and Political Development" by Micheal Emerson (18/19 April 1979)
"The United Kingdom and the European Monetary System" by Michael Emerson (26/27 June 1979)
"The European Monetary System: Technical Features and Initial Experience of its Operations" by Alessandro Leipold
"The European Monetary System"(Part A Commentary, Part B Documents, July 1979)
Giorgio Ruffolo’s Draft Report on "Le SME, élement du système monétaire international" (4 March 1980)
"Considerazioni sui futuri sviluppi del sistema monetario europeo" by TPS (September 1980)
"Experience under the EMS and prospects for further progress towards EMU" by Michael Emerson (September 1980)
Speech given by Roy Jenkins on "The European Monetary System: Recent Experience and Future Prospects" (Rome, 24 October 1980)
Intervention by François Xavier Ortoli during the Conference "European Banking" (Amsterdam, 10 Deecmber 1980)
Audition by F. Boyer de La Giroday regarding "Le système monétaire européen dans le contexte monétaire international" in front of Economic and Social Council (12 January 1981)
"What Contribution has the EMS made and can it now make in an Unsettled Period", Speech given by TPS at the Financial Times Conference (Rome, 10/11 December 1981), with supplementary bibliographical references
"The European Monetary Fund, The Central Banks and the EMS: a European Perspective"
"The Future Role of the ECU (Monetary Aspects)"
Paper entitled "Vers l’union économique et monétaire ou l’intégration monétaire et l’interdépendance internationale des économies"
"Sopravviverà lo Sme fino al 1983?", Interview with François Xavier Ortoli (October 1982)
"Problemi della lira e dello Sme all’inizio del 1986"
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French, Italian
Allied Materials
Contains a supplementary bibliographical reference written later