COM(1973)2067 - COMMISSION DECISION of 17 December 1973 parafiscal taxes financing the "Technical Centres" for leather and for the clock and watch-making industry

Document date: [1973]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Original Reference Code
Extent and Medium

1 volume(s) papier

Reference Archivists

Brouet, Agnes

Content and Structure


Volume 1973/0370
Date indicative : 17/12/1973
COMMISSION DECISION of 17 December 1973 parafiscal taxes financing the "Technical Centres" for leather and for the clock and watch-making industry (ENG)
ENTSCHEIDUNG DER KOMMISSION vom 17. Dezember 1973 über Parafiskalische Abgaben zur Finanzierung der "Centres techniques" (Fachinstitute) der Lederindustrie und der Uhrenindustrie (DEU)
BESCHIKKING VAN DE COMMISSIE van 17 december 1973 betreffende Parafiscale heffingen ter financiering van de "centres techniques" voor de lederindustrie en de uurwerkindustrie (NLD)
DECISIONE DELLA COMMISSIONE del 17 dicembre 1973 relativa alle tasse parafiscali che finanziano i "Centri tecnici" del cuoio e dell'industria dell'orologeria (ITA)
KOMMISSIONENS BESLUTNING af 17. december 1973 Skattelignende afgifter til finansiering af de tekniske centre for laeder- og urindustrien (DAN)

Conditions of Access and Use


Danish, Dutch, English, German, Italian

Type of Archival Materials

Electronic File, Textual

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