Activities and meetings

Documents from [1990] to [1992]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code

Content and Structure


Report on "The European Currency, an Optional Currency" (April 1990)
Documents from the meetings held in Frankfurt on 15 February 1990 and London on 7 June 1990
Minutes of the Coordination Group Meeting held in London on 7 June 1990
Presidency conclusions of the European Council held in Rome on 27/28 October 1990
Minutes of the Meeting held in Paris on 7 November 1990
Intervention of Banca d'Italia's Governor Carlo Azeglio Ciampi on Rome on 7 December 1990
Minutes of the Coordination Group Meeting held in Rome on 7 December 1990
Draft version of the Report "L’Union économique et monétaire. La dimension politique" (December 1990)
Note on the Labour’s approach to the Intergovernmental Conference on Economic and Monetary Union and subsequent developments in the European Community
Minutes of the Coordination Group Meeting held in Brussels (13 November 1991)
Minutes of the Meeting held in Lisbon (6 April 1992)

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English, French, Italian

Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials

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