Council Minutes for 1952
Documents from 27 March 1952 to 29 March 1952Identity Statement
Carr, Mary
Content and Structure
International Materials Conference, C(52)057 1. rev
Implementation of Ministerial Declaration of 29/08/1951 on economic expansion, C(52)055 1. rev, C(52)059 2. rev
Coal production, C(52)070, C(52)071
Future OEEC activities, C(52)074, C(52)076
EPU future, C(52)064, C(52)080, C(52)078
Settlement of BLEU surpluses in EPU, C(52)066, C(52)079, C(52)072
USA proposal on annual economic review of member countries
USA and Canada
Internal financial stability, C(52)063 1. rev
Trade liberalisation, C(52)054 1. rev, C(52)073, CES/163
Shipping requirements for USA coal imports, C(52)082
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French
Allied Materials
We have digital copies only of selected OEEC documents
C(52)057;C(52)055;C(52)059;C(52)070;C(52)071;C(52)074;C(52)076;C(52 ) 064;C(52)080;C(52)078;C(52)066;C(52)079;C(52)072;C(52)063;C(52)054;C(5 2)073;C(52)082
Relations Area