Demain sera un autre jour

Documents from [1957] to [1959]

Identity Statement

HAEU Reference Code
Reference Archivists

Alonso Fernandez, Juan

Content and Structure


The multi-award winning animated film follows the impetus of the recently adopted Euratom Treaty and paints a historical kaleidoscope of the first prehistoric men with torches, from the ancient Greeks and medieval knights to the modern factories and their need for energy. The film justifies European cooperation concerning nuclear research with the following words: "Cependant les moyens énormes exigées pour utiliser l'énergie atomique et les ressources que nous réserve l'astronautique ne sont pas à l'échelle d'une nation". The rationale behind this statement is that the high costs and the extensive scientific effort could only be done by one community.

Animation Film

Production Country: France
Film Production Company: Audio Visual
Commissioning Institution: Unknown

Director: Jean-Claude Bourdier / Philippe de Fels
Producer: Unknown
Script: Unknown
Cinematography: Unknown
Film Editing: Unknown
Music: Unknown
Commentator: Unknown

Technical Information
Original Film Format: 16 mm
Duration: 15 minutes
Colour: Black & White


EURATOM, Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy, European Cooperation

Conditions of Access and Use

Access Conditions

Due to copyright restrictions, consultation of the films is only permitted on the premises of the HAEU. Some items might be available online. Please follow the provided links in the field "Existence of Copies".

Reproduction Conditions

The HAEU does not own rights to the films. Copyright or other restrictions applying to the material should be assessed by the user. Any copyright violations resulting from the use of documents held at the Historical Archives are solely the user’s responsibility. More about copyright



Type of Archival Materials


Allied Materials


Notes and Remarks

For now, this film is not part of the Advertising Europe Film Collection held by the HAEU. This record is for information only. Other versions of the film in other languages which are not part of this collection are: Ein neuer Tag bricht an (German), Domani è un altro giorno (Italian),
Tomorrow is another Day (English)