Proposals and teams activities
Documents from [1996] to [2000]Identity Statement
Mathevon, Valerie; Meyer, Ruth Ingeborg
Content and Structure
The file contains research programme proposals among others for a Year Zero (1993) and the final program proposal (06/1995); activities reports of some team activities; correspondence; list of participants and speaking note of the Islam exploratory workshop held in Oxford (05-07/05/1994); Reports of the teams meetings and workshops "Rapports de pouvoir" (team 3) held in Granada (24-27/05/1996), "Individual and Society in the Mediterranean Muslim World" (team 4) held in Istanbul (05-06/09/1997), "Ottoman Guilds" held in Munich (21-22/10/1997), "Conversion to Islam in the Mediterranean Muslim World" (team 6) held in Rome (04-06/09/1997); Minutes of the Steering Committee and the Team Leaders meeting (Strasbourg, 05/02/1996); Minutes or report of the Steering Committee meetings held in Strasbourg (11/01/1997), in Istanbul (02/07/1998), and in Aix-en-Provence (10-11/09/1999); Minutes of the Team Leaders and Editorial Board meeting (Aix-en-Provence 06/12/1997); note on the Groups seminars 1996-1997; Working documents of the team 3 seminars "Identité individuelle et rapports de pouvoirs dans les sociétés musulmanes de la Méditerranée" et "Trajectoire individuelles dans les sociétés de l’Egypte, de la Syrie et du Maghreb".
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English, French