99th Council session: Paris, 12/02/1992
Documents from 22 January 1992 to 12 August 1992Identity Statement
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes.
Relevant subjects: ESA strategy for future programmes and continuation of programmes as from 1993
International matters: cooperative projects between South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), European Economic Communities (EEC) and ESA, report on selection and recruitment of European astronauts; report by Director General on First Polar Orbit Earth Observation Mission (POEM-1), observation of the Earth and its environment, telecommunications, space station and microgravity, Space Transportation Systems (STS), ESRIN, European Astronaut Centre
Resolution on Ariane launch prices
Programme matters: cooperation on the International Space Station, technical and financial management of the Ariane-5 development programme
Finance matters: impact of German unification on the contribution scale for mandatory activities
Legal matters: agreement with Brazil on reception of ERS-1 data, memorandum of understanding with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on access to ERS-1 data, list of ad referendum votes
Services to third parties: consultancy services to the CEC, proposed use of ESTEC facilities following request of Elenia, ESA participation in two Commission of the European Communities (CEC) research projects
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French