83. Council session: Paris from 28/06 to 29/06/1988
83. Council session: Paris from 28/06 to 29/06/1988
Documents from 01 June 1988 to 13 October 1988
Identity Statement
Casar, Andreja
Content and Structure
Official issues : draft agendas, list of participants, draft minutes. Relevant subjects: report by Director General. Programme matters:Ariane flights and implementing rules for the Ariane-5 development programme, Columbus programme and UK subscription, report by the Chairman of PB-EO on ERS-2 programme, medium term plan 1989-1993. Finance matters: reform of ESA financial system, contributions from new member States. Legal matters: agreement with Conseil National des Etudes Spatiales (CNES) on in orbit experimentation of optical data relay connections, supplementary agreement with EUMETSAT on Meteosat operational programme, memorandum of understanding with NASA on solar terrestrial science (Soho/Cluster) programme, list of ad referendum votes. Personnel matters: terms of office and composition of local staff committees, manpower requirements for 1989-1992, contract regulations and increases in financial limits specified for submission to the IPC. As annex: text of oral report by Director General. As addenda: amendments by Netherlands, German, Austrian and Swiss delegations. Draft resolution concerning UK accession to Columbus development programme.
Conditions of Access and Use
English, French